Not everyone knows how to properly use a #hashtag, and even less people know how to use a hashtag to accomplish a goal. I was very proud to take part in the #SudburyMob yesterday, an opportunity for anyone to tweet about why they love the community they live in.
This initiative was wildly successful yesterday with 167 total tweets, reaching nearly 40,000 people and 85,000 timeline posts. This doesn’t even take into account all of the additional views gained by people viewing the hashtag.
In advance of the tweet mob, the word was spread privately and quickly (only 2 days in advance) through LinkedIn. The return on the effort for this one is a no brainer, do it. Not only does it bring up community pride, but it certainly helps tourism and citizen engagement. Here’s a beautiful tagboard of all of the photos and tweets from the #SudburyMob Tagboard.
Even though our goal may have been to trend nationally, we absolutely had a positive impact in the social sphere. I’d encourage anyone to do this for your community, the return on your time is amazing and it’s really a testament to your city or community.