IT vs Marketing

This presentation was delivered at the Post Secondary Education Web Conference June 25th 2013 by JP Rains and Martin Laferriere (Chief Web Officer, Laurentian University). Here’s the description:  Ever hang up the phone saying “what is Marketing thinking?” or leave a meeting saying “IT just doesn’t get this”. This presentation, Read more…

Holiday Cheer

In this season of holiday cheer, social media brings us a chance to communicate with those far and wide. However, its really important to remember that people are getting overwhelmed with the traditional holiday greetings. Where is the innovation? The most valued greetings are those you remember, and you remember Read more…

Security and Social Media

Just yesterday, Rains Media delivered this presentation along with @MatthewMelnyk to the Ontario Association of College & University Security Administrators (OACUSA). Check it out if you are at all interested in Campus Security, Emergency Communications and social media investigative tools. -JP Security and social media View more presentations from Jean-Paul Read more…

Elections 2.0

With the government of Canada announcing a May 2nd election, it prompts me to think that there will certainly be a new type of campaign this April. Politicians will rely heavily on social media support from their most loyal partisans and use all resources at their disposal to sway the Read more…

Creating a Sense of Community

In any large organization, social media usually involves many moving parts – even more so in HigherEd, where many silos exist throughout the organization. Enabling the various content managers throughout the organizations to be cohesive and further to that, create a sense of community (online) can be challenging. Here are Read more…