Elections 2.0

With the government of Canada announcing a May 2nd election, it prompts me to think that there will certainly be a new type of campaign this April. Politicians will rely heavily on social media support from their most loyal partisans and use all resources at their disposal to sway the Read more…

The Brand Bowl

With the Super Bowl representing Television’s biggest event, ever, it creates an advertising platform that makes marketers salivate. How could I resist talking about it?  A few stats to establish the reach; 30-second spots averaged 3M$ (roughly 100,000$/second) and the game that was watched by 100M people. Of those commercials, Read more…

Creating a Sense of Community

In any large organization, social media usually involves many moving parts – even more so in HigherEd, where many silos exist throughout the organization. Enabling the various content managers throughout the organizations to be cohesive and further to that, create a sense of community (online) can be challenging. Here are Read more…

Millennials in the Workplace

Here’s a look at the newest presentation that was created by Rains Media in conjunction with Matthew Melnyk of Brock University.It was first delivered to the management of student focused services of Fleming College in Peterborough, Ontario. The presentation is an introduction to the Millennial (Generation-Y) generation entering the work force and the Read more…

Exploring Facebook Ads

In the post-secondary education realm it is extremely difficult to create awareness around the benefits of your specific product without outside influences. Students (current and future) are bombarded with ads and are used to it. These millennials are quick to move past the 5,000+ messages they see every day and Read more…

Risk Management on Facebook

This presentation was given at the 2010 Post Secondary Education Web Conference of Canada. It is an overview of the evolution of risk involving Facebook and strategies for PSE Institutions to mitigate this risk while being involved in Social Media. Risk management on facebook View more presentations from Jean-Paul Rains.